FYI - If your blog is a public blog (a blog that allows anyone to read it compared to one that is a private journal), you will be inviting people to read and comment on what you have written. In fact, the readers of your blog will be similar to having a visitor in your home. When you have visitors, you expect them to act a certain way - to behave appropriately. Now that you have or are considering having a blog, you will want those visiting (and those you vist, as well) to be polite and use some etiquette. Below are a few suggested "blog manners" that you may consider. They are not mandatory but 'blogging etiquette' is appreciated.
Leaving Comments
- It's not expected that you leave a comment when 'browsing' through blogs. You may certainly read, learn and enjoy and if you feel inclined, then post a comment.
- Compliments are always welcome. We all like to hear that we've done something well and that others have learned from us or even smiled from what we've done or written.
- If you do have a problem with something in the blog - your opinion and criticism may not be appreciated. If you do want to leave a comment, try making it 'constructive' and not 'destructive'. An attack, or flame, is in bad taste.
- Remember the saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" applies here ~ no need to be obnoxious or mean.
- Another 'in bad taste' action is that of being "Anonymous". It's usually considered unpolite and those who do post this way, should be ignored.
- Not all comments are responded to and not all posts will receive comments. That is perfectly OK ~ don't take it personally.
- If you have a blog and someone has commented (positively or negatively), it is considered polite to reply to their comment, thanking them for reading and commenting.
- Stalking is not appropriate! If you are constantly leaving comments on a blog or asking questions that are not responded to - take the hint - this blogger does not want to communicate.
- Never send an email to a blogger unless you've been invited to do so or if the blogger displays the e-mail address on the blog.
- Don't get personal with the blogger - however, if you're a regular visitor and you've experienced several exhanges with the blogger (positive ones, that is), a friendship may grow. Only at that time is it acceptable to exchange personal information. However, for many reasons, most bloggers like to remain anonymous and all relationships remain off-line and impersonal.
- Speaking of getting personal - don't be the one to ask for personal information. If the other person wants you to have any personal information, they will offer it.
- If and when you are 'flamed' or attacked for your postings, try to remain calm, don't stoop to the level of the flamer, use rational, well-thought-out arguments and be sure to (even though this might be difficult) thank the commentor for taking the time to read and comment. As they say, "Kill 'em with kindness."
- If you borrower something from someone else - a block of text, a unique phrase, a picture or graphic from another blog or website - indicate where it came from. Remember that copyrighted material is protected by law.
Adapted from : 2006
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